Monday, November 15, 2010

French & Americans= Allies!

And they thought we didn't have friends... 

The British thought that France wouldn't help the Americans out in the war. Boy were they wrong. The French supplied troops and supplies to the Americans. If the French wouldn't have helped, the Americans might've lost the war! 

British Over Confidence

The British thought that if they won a single battle that the Americans would give up. They soon learned that the Americans would fight until the end for there rights and freedom.

Cole Carpenter

British strategy... FAIL

The British were all about gentlemen style warfare, but the Americans realized there were other strategies. So the the Americans used guerrilla style warfare which is small bands of men ambushing their enemy while hiding. This led to a lot of the American victories!!

George Rogers Clark? I think yes!


George Rogers Clark was a ginger, so of course he won. Him and 200 other men captured Vincennes (Ft. Sackville),  which was a British Fort! Clark pretended that he was scalping Indians and that he was being cruel and mean. He seemed pretty intimidating so the British ran away. GO GINGERS! (:


By:Emily Soisson

The British Retreat from Boston

The Continental army had surrounded the British forces in Boston. At the begining neither side would leave but when Washingtons troops brought the big guns (cannons) more than 9,000 british troops fled. 

Cole Carpenter

Crossing the Delaware

While the Hessians were partying for the all the American retreats, the Americans were planning to attack the Hessians when they were defenseless and it worked!! They made all the Hessians retreat! TAKE THAT! 

Battle at Bunker Hill

  • The British failed at Bunker Hill because they lost 1,000 men, and had 400 injured.
  • They were the most powerful army in the world, but even though they won THEY FAIL becasue they used gentle mens warfare.